New Global Survey Shows Chinese Most Optimistic About Their
Time: 11:15: Dec-16, 20     Author :  
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China is the most optimistic country in the world, with 91.4 percent of its citizens believing their country will become better a place in the next decade, according to a report released Monday.

The report, "Priorities of Progress: Understanding Citizens' Voices," released by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) on Monday, is based on a global survey of 50 countries to examine how citizens feel about their country's progress.

The report indicates a generally more positive sentiment in the emerging markets of Asia and Africa than the countries: besides China, more than 70 percent of respondents in Indonesia and Vietnam believe their country is moving towards a better society; while the number in the United States is only 38 percent, and Germany and Italy 12 percent.

Another highlight of the report is that are increasingly embracing science and technology for a better future. India and China have a strong science and technology ecosystem in areas like Artificial Intelligence and digital, and leapfrog innovation is helping people across Africa overcome infrastructure constraints.

The EIU report also shows more positive views on technology in many developing countries. The percentage of respondents who strongly agree that technology has changed society for the better is largest in South Africa (38 percent), Indonesia (34 percent) and Thailand and Vietnam (both 32 percent), compared with only 5.7 percent in Canada, 6.9 percent in Germany and 11 percent in South Korea, a technology-intensive economy.

Moreover, the report finds that remains the top priority, followed by social protections, access to education, public order, transport infrastructure and the environment.

(Source: Xinhua)

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